Welcome to Ihr Personalberater

With our help specialised skilled workers and executives from all over Germany and Europe find a new professional home in the strong industrial location of Northern Bavaria. Face the lack of qualified personnel. We would be delighted to find the right high level specialist for you!

Ample Network and 20 years of management experience

Today the best employees wish to work in a business that suits their needs. If you wish to maximize your full potential, as a motivated high performer you are a significant competitive advantage for businesses. Our individual matching allows us to bring together businesses and top candidates with the same shared values and requirements. 20 years of management experience in Germany as well as abroad, an authoritative network and a number of satisfied customers are the basis of our service.
Convince yourself!

The wishes and requests of our clients are our key focus. Confidentiality, high commitment and negotiating skills are guaranteed. After all, we are concentrating on key positions.

We place the best skilled workers and executives to employers.  For sustainable and successful personnel politics. Individual, efficient and branch oriented.

We wish to advance people and businesses. When all wheels mesh smoothly in a company it increases the success, brings customer satisfaction and generates a strong local economy.

Ihr Personalberater puts you into the right position

Together with my team we search and find the right specialists and executives for your well-established business.

Competent counselling

We advise in accordance to the needs of our customers, branch-specific, success-oriented and individual.

International contacts

We have a cross-industry network on disposal. International contacts facilitate our work: target-oriented and custom-fit.

Experienced Top-Managers

We know the requirements of our clients from personal experience in renowned enterprises and medium-sized businesses.

Personnel consulting out of passion

We blaze for our profession and master even difficult requests with excellence. Challenge us!

Our advantages for businesses and executives

We are looking for the best personnel for businesses branch-specific and individual.

Branch-specific headhunting

Finding the best employees for the best business. We know what makes a highly qualified person in your branch and where we can find them.

Procurement with intuition

Whether engineers, sales managers or executives. When it comes down to professions with a great deal of responsibility and in-depth knowledge, intuition is in great demand.

Classical personnel counselling

Active personnel policy, Management by objectives or employer branding: Win the war of talents. Score with content and highly productive employees.

The branch focus

Machinery and plant engineering, synthetics industry, automotive supply, food production, trade and many more.

Individual personnel recruitment 4.0

Human resource management changes comparable to the technology landscape. Our searching instruments are harmonised thereupon.

Custom-fit personnel placement

Advancing businesses, exciting clients and celebrating achievements. This can only be done, if businesses and executives harmonise.


Nachhaltigkeit ist wichtiger Recruiting Faktor

Beitragsbild:  NDABCREATIVITY , stock.adobe.com Beitragsbild:  NDABCREATIVITY , stock.adobe.com

Personalberater Hans Ulrich Gruber über Upskilling: Mit Weiterbildung in die Zukunft investieren

Beitragsbild:  contrastwerkstatt, stock.adobe.com

Personalberater Hans Ulrich Gruber über die IT-Branche: Das wünschen sich wechselwillige Mitarbeiter-innen

Personalberater Hans Ulrich Gruber über die IT-Branche: Das wünschen sich wechselwillige Mitarbeiter-innen


Working Group of Protestant Entrepreneurs: Personnel consultant Hans Ulrich with expert lecture

Finding and retaining the best employees. This was the topic of the expert lecture by ...