
“Bringing people together is my passion “

Personal consultant and headhunter Hans Ulrich Gruber is talking about the search for high rate professionals and the importance of corporate culture for entrepreneurial success.

For years Hans Ulrich Gruber has been working as a manager for international companies. Today he is finding competent skilled workers and executives for such top performing companies.
But what drives him?

To grab a task and finish it with excellence. That is what distinguishes Hans Ulrich Gruber. As a manager of international companies, he for a long time carried a lot of responsibility and managed to solve a variety of tricky tasks. “My area of responsibility reached from positioning of a new company brand, project management of mergers or initial public offerings, to a successful market launch of subsidiaries in Italy and South Africa.”

The most important part were the people I worked with

No matter how challenging the task was, the most important part for him were always the people he worked with. “To achieve and experience something big, together with a thrilling team, to see how someone is thriving in his position, how he is surpassing his capabilities. This is what gave me the most as a manager “, says the personal consultant and continues “I have a talent for bringing people of different professional specializations together.”

“I have the advantage of having experienced both perspectives already. The perspective of the employer who is looking for capable personnel as well as the perspective of motivated managers wanting to tackle new challenges.”
Hans Ulrich Gruber, ihrPersonalberater

A good friend saw exactly this and encouraged him to join her expert network as a personnel consultant. “I have the advantage of having experienced both perspectives already. The perspective of the employer who is looking for capable personnel as well as the perspective of motivated managers wanting to tackle new challenges”, says Hans Ulrich Gruber. Putting high rate professionals into the right position is a very individual quest which requires in-depth conversations and a lot of experience. “This area is worth investing in. Good results can only be achieved if the management as well as the employees are satisfied.”

The corporate culture makes the difference

“Another guiding experience for me was, how important the corporate culture is for the success of a business and its employees”, says Gruber. Therefore, he also advises companies in questions regarding their corporate culture. “Everyone is more satisfied in an agile corporation with a positive corporate culture: Employees as well as customers. Of course this affects the overall success of a business.”