
Hans Ulrich Gruber delivers a speech at the Upper Franconian Personnel and Practice Day

More than 80 interested visitors listened to Hans Ulrich Gruber’s speech in Bayreuth. The personnel consultant (on the right) talked about organizational energy and health management.

The fourth Franconian Personnel and Practice Day in Bayreuth held in April was rated a total success by organizers and visitors alike. An interested audience of over 80 visitors listened to personnel consultant Hans Ulrich Gruber’s speech about organizational energy and corporate health management.
“A topic that is increasingly gaining importance in team leadership is the concept of organizational energy”, mentions the personnel consultant and former top manager Hans Ulrich Gruber in his speech. The concept that was developed by professor Heike Bruch at the university of St. Gallen enables the easy and understandable measurement of seemingly complex team processes within change management.

“The organizational energy shows in which condition a company or team is”, explains Hans Ulrich Gruber. “Is my team productive and dynamic, is it content and slightly sluggish or – in the worst case – is it characterized by frustration and erosion?” As an experienced industry manager and head hunter, Hans Ulrich Gruber finds the concept of organizational energy highly valuable.

“It has a strong natural scientific character which allows managers to make a clear classification”, he continues in his speech. “Where do I stand with my team and with what strategy do I guide them in the right direction?” Those questions can be answered with the measuring method of organizational energy. As well as the question if a team is ready for a new challenge or if it already operates on its stress limits.

“Many managers already had some touchpoints with the concept, often without even noticing. As the TOP-Job-Siegel (The best employers in the German Mittelstand) is nothing else but a comprehensive employee survey classified by the organizational energy matrix.

Hans Ulrich Gruber’s speech, which he held together with Silke Masurat during the fourth personnel and practice day, observed the topic under the heading of “Health, Motivation and Development”. The event was held by the BF/M-Bayreuth with the support of and in cooperation with Personet e. V., the Upper Franconian employer’s association bayme vbm, the research unit for economy and media law of the university of Bayreuth, as well as, the IHK for Upper Franconia Bayreuth.

Picture: IHK für Oberfranken Bayreuth