Current developments, renowned speakers, and a fruitful discussion: As chairman of the IT Cluster Hans Ulrich Gruber moderated this year’s IT Forum together with professor Jens Grubert from the University of Applied Sciences Coburg.
The IT Forum which was organized by the University of Applied Sciences Coburg in cooperation with the Upper Franconian IT Cluster received a great response. The focus of the forum was the exchange about the industry’s dominant topics ranging from Design Thinking to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Hans Ulrich Gruber, the chairman of the IT Cluster, guided the audience through the event and moderated the panel discussion about the topic “New Work”. The personnel consultant stated that the subject of digitization is seen as the most important criteria for the recruitment process, he further added that “the questions from the audience confirmed this development”.
Digitization can not only be observed though the increasingly rapid technical innovations, it also changes the way we work together. In the “New Work” panel which was moderated by Hans Ulrich Gruber experts discussed how new work processes and a digital mindset are affecting the working relationships.
Personnel consultant Hans Ulrich Gruber argues that, next to the technology the people are still playing a decisive role, especially in the age of digitization. This applies as much to customers as it does to employees. “Digitization means that companies absolutely prioritize the customer”, says Hans Ulrich Gruber. Currently this customer focus is visible all around. From fast delivery of goods to the automated order of spare parts and products. During the conference key note speaker professor Hensel gave further fascinating insights into the topic of customer centricity.
Digitization as a criterion for employee selection
According to Gruber, companies that succeed in the topic of digitization, have a strong advantage as well when it comes to personnel recruitment. As these companies are able to transmit to its employees a strong feeling of security and future viability. Furthermore, it is decisive, to include the employees in all Change Processes. “The simple rule is: no technology without people. This is why it is so important that here in Upper Franconia we join together and exchange ideas with the help of networking events such as the IT Forum”, says Hans Ulrich Gruber. “We should bundle our competences in the region, so that together we can tackle the opportunities and challenges that digitization brings”.
Numerous representatives of local companies, economic and industrial associations as well as universities agree, as the event was already fully booked weeks before it took place. Therefore, the organizers decided to provide more places for next years event, which marks the 10-year anniversary of the IT-Forum.
Picture by the curtesy of the University of Applied Sciences Coburg