
HR-sector needs binding norms

The standards for recruiting, workforce management and human government are about to be published in late 2016. Good news thinks Hans Ulrich Gruber.

Since 2010 is the International Standardisation Organisation ISO working on the project TC260 for new, world-wide binding norms for HR-processes. Since that time the recruitment consultant Hans Ulrich Gruber is following this progress: “It seems like now is happening a lot: The publication of further standards is imminent, which I personally appreciate.”

“I have spent my whole life in the industry with the ISO 9001 and was partially participating in the standardisation for contracting”, says Hans Ulrich Gruber. From the view of the international market cultivation it would be time that even the personnel department is put underneath a norm. Gruber expects rather positive outcomes for small and medium sized businesses: “Many companies are then able to and probably even will outsource their HR-sector in diverse processes to specialists as it is more efficient.”

The advantages of international binding standards in the personnel work exceed for Hans Ulrich Gruber: The clear goal of this commission seems to be to make personnel work comparable and therefore allow benchmarking, in order to give better orientation in the assessment of intangible values of a company. “In other words: With these new index numbers the success of a company as well as the question of its sustainability are enhanced to forecast.”

Investors, to which count in the classical small firms and businesses sector especially the banks with their borrowed fund lines, but also the staff themselves can benefit. “The weal and woe for a successful development of a company is especially dependent on the personnel sector and the successful personnel politics.”

“With these new index numbers the success of a company as well as the question of its sustainability are enhanced to forecast.”
—Hans Ulrich Gruber

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